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Hello Readers,

Tom and I are sometimes a bit behind the times, sometimes we are back to the future (Tom dresses like it's 2069- is Alfoil even a fabric?) so excuse us for getting on the bandwagon a tad late, but we have just got a myspace page and we would like you, our lovely readers, to be our friends!


So like do it NOW!


Georgie and Tom xxxx


Magazine Monday (Thursday Edition)- Battle of the Boys

It's the battle of the hotties for this issue of Magazine Monday- Thursday edition (I promise that one day I'll do it on a Monday).

In the blue corner we have Mr JT, looking dapper in a cashmere sweater, on the cover of Details magazine, complaining about the burden of being rich and constantly in demand for his cock.

Man it's tough being you JT, it really is. I mean, seriously, having enough money to never have to work again must be such a burden. It really must be such a heavy weight to carry around on your muscular shoulders, as you traipse from one luxury hotel to the next.

If it all gets too much to bear, I know a couple of taxi drivers, making 8 bucks an hour, who might be happy to switch jobs with you. Are you good at getting spew out of car seats?

"Chicken or fish, chicken or fish..? Man, why is choosing dinner so hard?!"

And in the black and white corner we have Orlando Bloom, on the cover of VMAN, doing his bit for the Cancer Council...

Suck that ciggie Orlando, suck it good!... Aahmm, sorry... pardon me... where was I, oh yes- Orlando on the cover of VMAN. Long hair, hippie necklace, no shirt and rollie cigarette- I think I've seen this guy outside Lunar park, fire twirling in the middle of summer.

I reckon Orlando would get on well with Matthew Mcconaughey. They could travel the countryside in a VW Combi, fire twirling and bongo playing- stopping only occasionally for magazine photo shoots and lead roles in bad romantic comedies. Watch out for them at an organics market near you.
