
Thank you from the bottom of our black, black hearts

For all those that have been reading youwish... over the last few months, we appreciate the support. Our readership is getting bigger by the day, and we're sure this is largely thanks to those of you who are spreading the word. So keep it up. We're like desperate, narcissistic models- without your constant admiration and attention we might turn into Naomi Campbell and end up throwing a blunt object at the closet thing we have to maids (my flatemate, or in Georgie's case- her mum). And we really can't afford the lawsuits...

Love Tom and Georgie


Magazine Monday- Friday addition

'You can't do it on a Friday!' Yes, yes, I know, but in much the same way that Madonna refers to New York, as 'not a place', but a 'state of mind', we shall consider Magazine Monday as a concept and not a directive. It's so much bigger than the actual day it's posted, it transcends these trivial ideas of date and time - it can be Monday, it can be Wednesday, and today- it is Friday.

And boy, is it a good one- even if I don't say so myself.

Scrolling through my pile of magazine's, I'm often drawn to similarities in cover photos. Like that math's genius in the TV show Numbers, I pick up on patterns from one cover to the next. But unlike him, the patterns I pick up rarely result in a crime being solved, or lives been saved from a crazed, code writing serial killer (but hey, we can't all do good). So you can imagine how intrigued I was, when I stumbled upon the latest covers for US Vogue and Marie Claire. See if you can spot the pattern...

Ok, I know this is going to sound really mean, but are minorities not allowed to look sexy? I mean seriously, if these covers were of Kate Moss or Gisele, they'd look all dower and sultry and be staring through the lens straight to our crotches. But because they are of a big (I use that word only in the context of the fashion world, because let's face it, she's a pretty average size in the real world) black girl and a 'normal' looking Asian woman, they have to be all fun and joyous. I mean seriously are supermodels the only ones who are allowed to look sexy?

Jennifer Hudson
is hot. Why does she have to be cast as the 'funny fat girl?' And Sandra Oh, while not only having the coolest last name in the world, is also really pretty. So why does she have to be cast as the, 'interesting-to-hang-out-with-but-not-fuck' girl. I know she looks very 'Asian', but hey, she can't really do much about that, considering, you know, THAT SHE IS ASIAN.

Shame on your Anna Wintour, you're nothing if not predictable. And shame on you Joanna Coles (the editor of Marie Claire). You're name is not anywhere as cool as Sandra Oh's. And in case you haven't noticed (from the photo you have on your website) the role you cast for Sandra, seems scarily similar to the one you've cast for yourself...
