
Paris Launches cheap watch range

Paris Hilton launched a range of self named watches in Basel, Switzerland, on Saturday. In collaboration with Parlux, the company that already makes Hilton's fragrance, the watches are as cheap as Paris herself. While Paris proclaimed a love for luxury timepieces from the likes of Rolex and Franck Muller, Hilton said her watches will be more for p-p-poor (I always have trouble saying that word) people, "Not everyone can afford that type of watch," Hilton patronizingly claimed at a news conference before a hired room of European journalists.

The watches will be available in stores this winter, and will retail for a measly $150 to $250!

Even homeless people can afford that!


Anonymous said...

Paris makes a 1000 dollar note look cheap!

Anonymous said...

Check out her right elbow! Man she needs to put on some weight and get some emu oil on that calloused lump.