
Roberto Cavalli for H&M

hmm, interesting pairing. Not such a fan of Cavalli myself. As the head of fashion at H&M says in the clip above "he's very Latin, extravagant" which isn't really my bag. And any designer that counts Beyonce as his biggest fan instantly losses points with me.

He's a bit of a character however and we certainly love those here at youwish...

I'd love to see Roberto and Unkle Karl go head to head in an ultimate fashion cat fight. Roberto would poke Karl with his lit cigar while Karl used his 70 ipods as numchuckers. Karl would be quick (what weighing only 49Kilos) but Roberto looks stronger and could probably pick Karl up by his silver ponytail and throw him off the balcony of his Paris studio. Man I'd pay big bucks to see that showdown!


Sesame Magazine...

...Is an awesome fashion magazine out of Melbourne, that's run by the wonderful Nadia Barbaro. They've just released issue 5 which you can find at a whole bunch of places like Gorman and Karen Walker. You can also get it online...for FREE! Each issue gets better and better with number 5 being the absolute bestest, not lest for the fact that my interview with Lara Meyerratken is featured in it. If you have a spare minute, click here and check it out.
